I'm Caleb, and I'm here to help bring your app idea into reality.

You have an awesome idea. I want to show you how to build it.

Picture of Caleb

Building an app is no joke.

The world of tech and mobile app development is constantly changing at a rapid pace, and the number of options can be overwhelming, leaving you with no idea where to start.

But with the right help, that doesn't have to stop you from launching your big idea.

As your consultant, I'll help you dive into the nitty-gritty of application development and come out with a plan to help you achieve success.

With over 9 years of experience developing web and mobile apps on all major platforms, I'm here to help you navigate the app development process and show you what it takes to build out your solution.

Nine Years of Development Experience

I don't just talk the talk, I've walked the walk - and that's what will make me a great consultant.

Past Projects

Wide-Ranging, Robust Knowledge

Technologies I know

Working as a full-stack developer for years, I've gained extensive knowledge of the many tools, frameworks, and platforms out there for developers. I'll guide you through what you need and what you don't, for your specific use case.

What you'll get from me

  • Free, no-risk first consult to see if we're a good fit
  • Valuable feedback on your idea
  • Clear picture of what different features will require
  • Guidance on choosing the best technologies to power your app
  • Criteria for what to look for in a good developer and how to write a solid contract
  • Basic estimate of the costs of developing and running an app
  • Pointers for creating an app design and feature list